Grace is a Wide Net

God’s not out to punish you if you make the wrong decision for your future. He’s not going to set you on the bench if you get your “calling” wrong or make a wrong decision.

His promise is true and His promise is this…

A Plan Exists

In waiting it may seem like God has forgotten about you. You wander around, wondering if He even sees or cares. You look around and it may seem like everyone else’s plans are unfolding before your eyes. It’s not fun.

heart / mind

Do you trust God? I'm learning...

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5

I know it's a common verse, but let's talk through it for a minute.

I had a moment a few months ago where I thought God was asking me to physically trust him with my heart instead of my mind.