You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.
Isaiah 55:12
I follow Jesus. I have to. There is nothing and no one else that compares. I'm obsessed in the best kind of way.
I'm in my thirties and have served in corporate finance, as a missionary in Haiti, and dabbled in the nonprofit sector and the Church. I’m an ordained minister and have studied at Fuller Theological Seminary!
I struggled for many years to find my place. I knew the gifts God gave me, but I didn’t know why I was here. My life felt like a maze, and every time I thought I was walking towards the exit, I turned the corner to find another dead end. I was stuck.
But, God was with me. He walked by my side in the wilderness and the valley of weeping. The Holy Spirit eventually led me out through the door of hope. Not because I found the secret key, but because He is a good and faithful Father.
Jesus taught me how to find joy in the waiting, to persevere in prayer, and believe in God's promises despite my circumstances.
In these pages, I hope you find the courage you need to persevere another day.
My writing style reflects my personality — direct, concise, and somewhat impulsive. ;) Enjoy!